>>> Building on sparc64-0b under x11/xfe BDEPENDS = [sysutils/polkit;lang/gcc/8;devel/gmake;textproc/intltool;lang/gcc/8,-c++;devel/fox;lang/gcc/8,-libs;archivers/xz] DIST = [x11/xfe:xfe-1.46.2.tar.xz] FULLPKGNAME = xfe-1.46.2p0 RDEPENDS = [devel/desktop-file-utils;lang/gcc/8,-libs;devel/fox;x11/gtk+4,-guic] Woken up graphics/mhgui Woken up graphics/mhgui (Junk lock failure for sparc64-0b at 1720526171.20972) Received IO (Junk lock obtained for sparc64-0b at 1720526281.69) Received IO Woken up x11/xfe Woken up x11/xfe Woken up x11/xfe Short-cut: depends already handled by graphics/mhgui >>> Running show-prepare-results in x11/xfe at 1720526287.26 ===> x11/xfe ===> Building from scratch xfe-1.46.2p0 ===> xfe-1.46.2p0 depends on: polkit-* -> polkit-124 ===> xfe-1.46.2p0 depends on: intltool->=0.41.1p0 -> intltool-0.51.0p2 ===> xfe-1.46.2p0 depends on: gcc->=8,<9 -> gcc-8.4.0p22 ===> xfe-1.46.2p0 depends on: g++->=8,<9 -> g++-8.4.0p23 ===> xfe-1.46.2p0 depends on: gmake-* -> gmake-4.4.1 ===> xfe-1.46.2p0 depends on: xz->=5.4.0 -> xz-5.6.2 ===> xfe-1.46.2p0 depends on: fox-* -> fox-1.6.50p3 ===> xfe-1.46.2p0 depends on: gcc-libs->=8,<9 -> gcc-libs-8.4.0p22 ===> Verifying specs: estdc++>=17 pthread FOX-1.6 X11 X11-xcb Xft Xrandr c fontconfig freetype iconv intl m png util xcb xcb-util estdc++>=19 ===> found estdc++.19.0 pthread.27.1 FOX- X11.18.0 X11-xcb.2.0 Xft.12.0 Xrandr.7.1 c.100.1 fontconfig.13.1 freetype.30.3 iconv.7.1 intl.8.0 m.10.1 png.18.0 util.18.0 xcb.4.1 xcb-util.0.0 fox-1.6.50p3 g++-8.4.0p23 gcc-8.4.0p22 gcc-libs-8.4.0p22 gmake-4.4.1 intltool-0.51.0p2 polkit-124 xz-5.6.2 (Junk lock released for sparc64-0b at 1720526297.96) distfiles size=1615460 >>> Running patch in x11/xfe at 1720526298.05 ===> x11/xfe ===> Checking files for xfe-1.46.2p0 `/usr/ports/distfiles/xfe-1.46.2.tar.xz' is up to date. >> (SHA256) xfe-1.46.2.tar.xz: OK ===> Extracting for xfe-1.46.2p0 xz: (stdin): Compressed data is corrupt tar: End of archive volume 1 reached ===> Patching for xfe-1.46.2p0 ===> Applying OpenBSD patch patch-Makefile_in Hmm... Looks like a unified diff to me... The text leading up to this was: -------------------------- |Index: Makefile.in |--- Makefile.in.orig |+++ Makefile.in -------------------------- Patching file Makefile.in using Plan A... Hunk #1 succeeded at 555. done ===> Applying OpenBSD patch patch-src_FilePanel_cpp Hmm... Looks like a unified diff to me... The text leading up to this was: -------------------------- |onCmdDirUsage is linux-only for now | |Index: src/FilePanel.cpp |--- src/FilePanel.cpp.orig |+++ src/FilePanel.cpp -------------------------- Patching file src/FilePanel.cpp using Plan A... Hunk #1 succeeded at 128. Hunk #2 succeeded at 158. done ===> Applying OpenBSD patch patch-src_SearchWindow_cpp Hmm... Looks like a unified diff to me... The text leading up to this was: -------------------------- |Remove gnuisms. The Find Hidden checkbox does nothing now. | |Index: src/SearchWindow.cpp |--- src/SearchWindow.cpp.orig |+++ src/SearchWindow.cpp -------------------------- Patching file src/SearchWindow.cpp using Plan A... Hunk #1 succeeded at 650. Hunk #2 succeeded at 756. done ===> Applying OpenBSD patch patch-src_WriteWindow_cpp Hmm... Looks like a unified diff to me... The text leading up to this was: -------------------------- |--- src/WriteWindow.cpp.orig Sun Oct 24 14:52:33 2010 |+++ src/WriteWindow.cpp Sun Oct 24 14:52:43 2010 -------------------------- Patching file src/WriteWindow.cpp using Plan A... Hunk #1 succeeded at 12. done ===> Applying OpenBSD patch patch-src_xfedefs_h Hmm... Looks like a unified diff to me... The text leading up to this was: -------------------------- |Unbreak launching Xfe as root with sudo or su (fix gnuisms) | |Index: src/xfedefs.h |--- src/xfedefs.h.orig |+++ src/xfedefs.h -------------------------- Patching file src/xfedefs.h using Plan A... Hunk #1 succeeded at 190. done ===> Compiler link: gcc -> /usr/local/bin/egcc ===> Compiler link: cc -> /usr/local/bin/egcc ===> Compiler link: c++ -> /usr/local/bin/eg++ ===> Compiler link: g++ -> /usr/local/bin/eg++ >>> Running configure in x11/xfe at 1720526301.83 ===> x11/xfe ===> Generating configure for xfe-1.46.2p0 ===> Configuring for xfe-1.46.2p0 Using /usr/obj/ports/xfe-1.46.2/config.site (generated) sed -i "s,-O2,,g" /usr/obj/ports/xfe-1.46.2/xfe-1.46.2/configure configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --disable-gtk-doc configure: loading site script /usr/obj/ports/xfe-1.46.2/config.site configure: error: cannot find install-sh, install.sh, or shtool in "." "./.." "./../.." *** Error 1 in x11/xfe (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:3022 'do-configure': @for d in /usr/obj/ports/xfe-1.46.2/xfe-1.46.2; do c...) *** Error 2 in x11/xfe (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:3042 '/usr/obj/ports/xfe-1.46.2/.configure_done': @cd /usr/ports/x11/xfe &&...) *** Error 2 in x11/xfe (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2704 'configure': @lock=xfe-1.46.2p0; export _LOCKS_HELD=" xfe-1.46.2p0"; ...) ===> Exiting x11/xfe with an error *** Error 1 in /usr/ports (infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.subdir.mk:144 'configure': @: ${echo_msg:=echo}; : ${target:=configure}; for i in ; ...) >>> Ended at 1720526305.31 max_stuck=57.42/waiting-for-lock #190=116.08/show-prepare-results=10.77/patch=3.80/configure=3.53 Error: job failed with 512 on sparc64-0b at 1720526305