>>> Building on sparc64-0d under textproc/lua-cosmo BDEPENDS = [devel/gmake] DIST = [textproc/lua-cosmo:cosmo-16.06.04.tar.gz] FULLPKGNAME = lua-cosmo-16.06.04p1 RDEPENDS = [devel/lpeg,;lang/lua/5.1] Avoided depends for gmake-4.4.1 distfiles size=25798 >>> Running build in textproc/lua-cosmo at 1715254794.76 ===> textproc/lua-cosmo ===> Building from scratch lua-cosmo-16.06.04p1 Invalid version format (negative version number) at /usr/sbin/pkg_info line 19. Dependency check failed *** Error 1 in textproc/lua-cosmo (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2386 '/usr/obj/ports/lua-cosmo-16.06.04/.dep-devel-gmake': @unse...) *** Error 2 in textproc/lua-cosmo (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2704 'build': @lock=lua-cosmo-16.06.04p1; export _LOCKS_HELD=" ...) ===> Exiting textproc/lua-cosmo with an error *** Error 1 in /usr/ports (infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.subdir.mk:144 'build': @: ${echo_msg:=echo}; : ${target:=build}; for i in ; do eval...) >>> Ended at 1715254796.80 max_stuck=0.00/build=2.13 Error: job failed with 512 on sparc64-0d at 1715254796