>>> Building on sparc64-2b under wayland/wf-config BDEPENDS = [devel/meson;devel/cmake;wayland/wayland-protocols;wayland/libevdev-openbsd;archivers/xz;textproc/libxml;wayland/wayland;graphics/glm;wayland/libinput-openbsd] DIST = [wayland/wf-config:wf-config-0.8.0.tar.xz] FULLPKGNAME = wf-config-0.8.0p0 RDEPENDS = [wayland/libevdev-openbsd;graphics/glm;textproc/libxml] (Junk lock failure for sparc64-2b at 1712274306.63943) Received IO (Junk lock obtained for sparc64-2b at 1712274311.79) Received IO Woken up wayland/wf-config Woken up wayland/wf-config >>> Running depends in wayland/wf-config at 1712274318.62 last junk was in archivers/py-zopfli,python3 /usr/sbin/pkg_add -aI -Drepair glm- libevdev-openbsd-20231111 libinput-openbsd-1.24.0p2 libxml-2.12.6 meson-1.4.0p0v0 wayland-1.22.0p0 wayland-protocols-1.32 xz-5.4.5 was: /usr/sbin/pkg_add -aI -Drepair cmake-3.28.3v1 glm- libevdev-openbsd-20231111 libinput-openbsd-1.24.0p2 libxml-2.12.6 meson-1.4.0p0v0 wayland-1.22.0p0 wayland-protocols-1.32 xz-5.4.5 /usr/sbin/pkg_add -aI -Drepair glm- libevdev-openbsd-20231111 libinput-openbsd-1.24.0p2 libxml-2.12.6 meson-1.4.0p0v0 wayland-1.22.0p0 wayland-protocols-1.32 xz-5.4.5 >>> Running show-prepare-results in wayland/wf-config at 1712274340.41 ===> wayland/wf-config ===> Building from scratch wf-config-0.8.0p0 ===> wf-config-0.8.0p0 depends on: libinput-openbsd-* -> libinput-openbsd-1.24.0p2 ===> wf-config-0.8.0p0 depends on: wayland-* -> wayland-1.22.0p0 ===> wf-config-0.8.0p0 depends on: wayland-protocols-* -> wayland-protocols-1.32 ===> wf-config-0.8.0p0 depends on: cmake-* -> cmake-3.28.3v1 ===> wf-config-0.8.0p0 depends on: glm-* -> glm- ===> wf-config-0.8.0p0 depends on: meson->=1.4.0v0 -> meson-1.4.0p0v0 ===> wf-config-0.8.0p0 depends on: xz->=5.4.0 -> xz-5.4.5 ===> wf-config-0.8.0p0 depends on: libxml-* -> libxml-2.12.6 ===> wf-config-0.8.0p0 depends on: libevdev-openbsd->=20231111 -> libevdev-openbsd-20231111 ===> Verifying specs: stdc++ pthread evdev m xml2 ===> found stdc++.57.0 pthread.27.1 evdev.0.0 m.10.1 xml2.20.0 cmake-3.28.3v1 glm- libevdev-openbsd-20231111 libinput-openbsd-1.24.0p2 libxml-2.12.6 meson-1.4.0p0v0 wayland-1.22.0p0 wayland-protocols-1.32 xz-5.4.5 Don't run junk because nojunk in devel/py-lief,python3 (Junk lock released for sparc64-2b at 1712274354.06) distfiles size=41200 >>> Running extract in wayland/wf-config at 1712274354.15 ===> wayland/wf-config ===> Checking files for wf-config-0.8.0p0 `/usr/ports/distfiles/wf-config-0.8.0.tar.xz' is up to date. >> (SHA256) wf-config-0.8.0.tar.xz: OK ===> Extracting for wf-config-0.8.0p0 >>> Running patch in wayland/wf-config at 1712274356.23 ===> wayland/wf-config ===> Patching for wf-config-0.8.0p0 ===> Compiler link: cc -> /usr/bin/cc ===> Compiler link: c++ -> /usr/bin/c++ >>> Running configure in wayland/wf-config at 1712274357.52 ===> wayland/wf-config ===> Generating configure for wf-config-0.8.0p0 ===> Configuring for wf-config-0.8.0p0 The Meson build system Version: 1.4.0 Source dir: /usr/obj/ports/wf-config-0.8.0/wf-config-0.8.0 Build dir: /usr/obj/ports/wf-config-0.8.0/build-sparc64 Build type: native build Project name: wf-config Project version: 0.8.0 C++ compiler for the host machine: c++ (gcc 4.2.1 "c++ (GCC) 4.2.1 20070719 ") C++ linker for the host machine: c++ ld.bfd 2.17 Host machine cpu family: sparc64 Host machine cpu: sparc64 Found pkg-config: YES (/usr/bin/pkg-config) 0.29.2 Found CMake: /usr/local/bin/cmake (3.28.3) Run-time dependency glm found: YES 0.9.9 Run-time dependency libevdev found: YES 1.13.1 Run-time dependency libxml-2.0 found: YES 2.12.6 Dependency doctest skipped: feature tests disabled Build targets in project: 1 wf-config 0.8.0 User defined options auto_features : enabled buildtype : plain localstatedir : /var mandir : /usr/local/man prefix : /usr/local sharedstatedir: /var/db strip : true sysconfdir : /etc wrap_mode : nodownload tests : disabled Found ninja-1.11.1 at /usr/local/bin/ninja ERROR: C++ Compiler does not support -std=c++17 A full log can be found at /usr/obj/ports/wf-config-0.8.0/build-sparc64/meson-logs/meson-log.txt *** Error 1 in wayland/wf-config (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:3022 'do-configure': @/usr/bin/env -i LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8" AR="...) *** Error 2 in wayland/wf-config (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:3042 '/usr/obj/ports/wf-config-0.8.0/build-sparc64/.configure_done') *** Error 2 in wayland/wf-config (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2704 'configure': @lock=wf-config-0.8.0p0; export _LOCKS_HELD=" ...) ===> Exiting wayland/wf-config with an error *** Error 1 in /usr/ports (infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.subdir.mk:144 'configure': @: ${echo_msg:=echo}; : ${target:=configure}; for i in ; ...) >>> Ended at 1712274391.80 max_stuck=18.88/waiting-for-lock #143=11.97/depends=21.75/show-prepare-results=13.77/extract=2.08/patch=1.29/configure=34.36 Error: job failed with 512 on sparc64-2b at 1712274391